
Sunday 15 December 2013

Now Mom Needs the Miracle

Last Tuesday evening, my mother fell down the stairs to the basement floor. She was taken by ambulance to the local hospital with a trauma centre. She couldn't feel or move her legs. Initially they thought she was in spinal shock, like a concussion but of the spinal cord. With this, ability can return. But it is no longer spinal shock. And she has a fracture in her neck (and several other places). There is also some level of paralysis in all four limbs as well as some of her breathing muscles. Her heart started to fail that first night and it was thought she needed a pacemaker to survive.

And that is what she wants, to survive. When we asked her of her resuscitation wishes she said clearly, "I want to live." When we explained we would live the rest of her life in a hospital, she didn't change her mind, she just asked for the treatments that were necessary.

Mom had a fall thirteen years ago on an escalator in the Milan train station. She was behind me and fell backwards. I panicked like a child and she told me to calm down, she was alright. And she was. A few bandaids later, she was insisting on carrying her own luggage again

This is what I am made of. Cancer, shmancer! Calm down. I'll carry my own baggage. I want to live.

But today, my mom is the one needing our prayers, needing a miracle. It is very hard to let God's will be done. Mostly because we don't know what it is. Many of you have been keeping me in your prayers. I am still stable. For the next while, would you please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers? Thank you very much.


  1. oh, Kate,

    I am so very sorry for your Dear Mother's accident, and for the prognosis it entails. I can't even imagine what you and your family and your Mom are going through. please know I hold you all, especially your Mom, close to my heart and am sending waves and wave of powerful thoughts and vibes for her healing and comfort. what an incredibly intrepid lady your mother is; and to know that you are made of that same stuff - the will to live in the face of such devastation - cancer, schmancer, indeed. please keep us posted on her condition; and do all you are able to take good care of yourself during this very difficult time - you know your Mom would want that for you, Kate.

    much love and light,

    Karen XOXO

    1. Thank you, Karen. I know you understand how it feels when the disasters pile on top of each other. My dear husband hopes for a respite, I just tend to keep my head down and fight on through. I am working on taking care of myself and took advantage when my brothers visited. This could be a long haul. My thanks again.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about this. Big hugs to you and your family. Gentle hugs for your mom.

  3. I am very sorry to hear this. I hope that your mother does well and you become at peace with whatever happens. The will to live is strong.

    1. I hope I find that peace, Ann. I am wavering between praying for acceptance and for miracles. Catholic girls do like miracles.

      You know a little about the will to live, don't you. ;)

      Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Ditto what Ann said... and Caroline and Karen, too. Sending love and peace to you and your mom... I'm so sorry all of this is happening.

    Love and hugs to all.....

    1. Thank you, AnneMarie. I think of you and your mom often.

  5. My Dear Kate .. I am thinking about you and your family constantly. My heart is heavy this Christmas as you know, but I tend to bring you into my thoughts and hope that you are doing as well as you can and taking some time for yourself, Geoff and Lena and I pray for your Mom & Dad that your Mom's very strong will to live will help you all through this difficult time and her strength remains strong. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Try to stay strong and know there are many of us praying and thinking of you and your family at this time. Take Care, Love Judy

    1. Thank you, Judy. I know it will be hard without your mom. Christmas dinner will be very strange here too. Love, Kate

  6. Oh, Kate, I don't even know what to say... I am so sorry to hear about your mom's fall. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts for sure. Sending love...

  7. Sending positive thoughts and fervent prayers for your Mom!

  8. Sending much love always Kate, adding your Mom to my thoughts and wishes for you and your family… I'm so sorry, so very sad to hear this. I will watch for your words, when you can write them. Gentle hugs to you both, strong and determined women indeed.

  9. Adding your mom to my prayer list. Praying that all of you to survive with grace this holiday season.

  10. How's your Mom, Kate? I've been praying for her ever since reading this!


  11. Thank you for asking, Andrea. We nearly lost Mom before Christmas when her lungs were compressed with fluid. And she lost consciousness after being intubated. It is very difficult not being able to talk with her, especially now that the doctors are asking difficult questions about continuing her treatment. Her advance directive is opposite to the wishes she stated before being intubated. Now we are left to determine what she would wish. Our emotions, our faith, our own wishes and my diagnosis sway our thought on the matter this way and that. It is not an easy time.

    1. Ohhhh Kate! Not an easy time, indeed. My prayers will continue both for you & your Mom. I will specifically pray that no "decisions" have to be made about anything... that the Good Lord will see to it that your Mom goes home to heaven at her appointed time, without any of you having to decide anything. Stay close to God & try to hear His still small voice.... it is there!! Most sincerely~ Andrea XOXOXOXO

  12. dear Kate,

    I just clicked over to your site to ask how your Mom is doing, and saw Andrea's nice comment, then your update. I am so sorry for the awful dilemma you and your family are facing. hopefully, you are getting lots of support and guidance from sources you feel comfortable with. I will keep sending my most powerful thoughts for comfort, for hope, and for all to be as it's meant to be. please continue to do all you can to take care of yourselves -

    sending you much love and light,


    1. Thank you, Karen. I wish I was getting support on the tough stuff. I feel that every week there is a new doctor trying to get us to change our instructions. I feel like we are the only family to choose life. I think it is time to talk to the social worker again. ~Kate
